Parish News
Dramatization of the Apparitions of the Virgin Guadalupe
A group of actors will present the dramatization on these dates, come celebrate with our community our Mother of Tepeyac.
Confession Schedule Changes in December
THERE ARE CONFESSIONS EVERY DAY DURING the days of the novena to the Virgin of Guadalupe, until Monday, December 11 during the novena masses. From December 6, through Monday 11, we have confessions every night, during mass. WE WILL NOT HAVE confessions from December 14 to Thursday January 4, 2024. There are no confessions [...]
ADVENT SERIES OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE VIGILS December 1-12, 2023 In the days and weeks leading up to the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, ISN and our partners invite you to join us as we stand in solidarity with our migrant sisters and brothers. Materials in English/Spanish will be available by 12/1. Learn More [...]
Webinar: December 2023
“BAD CATHOLICS, GOOD TROUBLE" AND WHAT A COMIC CAN TEACH US ABOUT RACIAL JUSTICE December 6, 2023 2-3:15 p.m. ET| Virtual Learn More + Register
RVA Latinofest – Volunteers Needed!
Are you interested in being part of our Volunteer Team at the RVA Latino Festival? Please fill it out the form, and describe the time and dates you will available. Volunteer Registration
Church Registration Link
Why register with the church? It helps the parish plan better by knowing who our members are It helps us help you, especially when you need documentation that you belong to a church Commit yourself to a marvelous community Parish registration form