Music Ministry

We have multiple choirs that give generously of their time, and they truly enliven our worship. The leadership of the music program at Sacred Heart Catholic Church is made up of a team of coordinators that works with our parish music coordinator, Carmen O’Brien.
Currently our parish holds eight Masses during the weekend, two in English and six in Spanish. We also work with bilingual children and teenagers to sing at bilingual Masses.
Members of the choirs also give their time to sing at weddings, quinceañeras, baptisms, and funerals. They also help out with special celebrations throughout the Church year (such as Holy Week and Easter) and at weekday activities as well (such as holy hours).
Choirs practice once per week, and through other meetings we offer all our choir members an opportunity to grow spiritually from their experience. Every three months they meet to participate in a moment of evangelization and training. These meetings offer them time to reflect on their ministry, make decisions together, and grow.
If you are interested in joining a choir or would like to plan music for your weddings, quinceanera or funeral, please contact Carmen O’Brien at (804) 729-5497 or by text at (804) 621-5979 or by email at [email protected]