Anointing of the Sick

The Church is firmly committed to living out Christ’s command to care for the sick and suffering.  The Church raises up those who are sick and suffering through the sacrament of anointing, by nourishing them with the Eucharist during their illness and when they are in danger of death, and by offering prayers for the sick to commend them to God’s care.


The person to receive the sacraments must be a baptized Catholic and have a serious illness.

Whom to contact

Anointing of the sick is scheduled on an as-needed basis. Note that only priests can administer this sacrament. Please contact the parish office at (804) 232-8964 to schedule an anointing. If no one answers right away, and if this is an emergency that requires a priest immediately, the automated phone system will guide you to our emergency line. Please leave your name and phone number. We return these calls very promptly.